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Giphy Partnership Raises Concerns

Breaking News: Tenor Integrates Animated Drug GIFs into Messaging Platforms

GIPHY Partnership Raises Concerns

In a move that has sparked controversy, Tenor, the popular GIF keyboard app, has announced a partnership with GIPHY to integrate animated GIFs depicting illegal drugs into messaging platforms. This development has raised concerns among experts who fear it could normalize drug use and glamorize addiction.

Addiction and Normalization Fears

Critics argue that the widespread availability of such GIFs could make drug use appear harmless and even desirable. They believe that the animated images, which depict addictive substances and mind-altering effects, could desensitize users to the dangers of drug abuse.

Dr. Emily Carter, a substance abuse expert, expressed her concern: "This is a dangerous precedent. By making drug-related GIFs readily accessible, we are sending the message that drug use is acceptable and even fun, which is simply not the case."

GIFs on the Tenor platform are already widely used in social media and messaging apps. Their integration into Tenor's app could potentially expose millions of users to drug-related imagery.
