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Massive Share Price Losses For Grenke Shares 2300

Massive share price losses for Grenke shares (€23.00)

Massive decline in Grenke share price of 88%

Grenke AG, a German financial services provider, has experienced a staggering 88% decline in its share price since its peak in 2021. The company's share price has plummeted from €205 to €23, wiping out billions of euros in market value.

Key factors contributing to the decline

Several factors have contributed to the massive decline in Grenke's share price, including:

  • Accounting irregularities: Grenke has been accused of accounting irregularities, including inflating its sales figures and understating its liabilities. These allegations have raised concerns about the company's financial stability and have led to a loss of investor confidence.

  • Short-seller attacks: Grenke has been the target of short-seller attacks, which have further fueled the sell-off in its shares. Short-sellers bet against a company's stock, and their negative reports can have a significant impact on the share price.

  • Activist investors: Activist investor Petrus Advisers has taken a stake in Grenke and is pushing for changes in the company's management and strategy. This has added to the uncertainty surrounding Grenke's future and has contributed to the decline in its share price.

  • Economic downturn: The global economic downturn and rising interest rates have also weighed on Grenke's share price. The company's business is heavily dependent on lending, and a slowdown in economic growth could reduce demand for its products and services.

Company response and future prospects

Grenke has taken steps to address the concerns raised about its accounting practices and has announced plans to improve its corporate governance. However, it remains unclear whether the company can regain the trust of investors. The company's future prospects will depend on its ability to resolve its accounting issues, fend off short-seller attacks, and navigate the challenging economic environment.


The massive decline in Grenke's share price reflects the challenges facing the company on multiple fronts. While Grenke has taken steps to address these challenges, it remains to be seen whether the company can regain the confidence of investors and turn its business around.
